The reserve of Alfonsine is a little regional reserve with an extension of about 12 hectars. It was founded according to the Regional law n.11/88 of Regione Emilia Romagna in 1990 and committed to the Municipality of Alfonsine and Cooperative Atlantide.

It consists of three areas In each area there are precticable paths that give the chance to get in touch with a various and particular nature. It is possible to bird-watch in the arranged areas.

The first area is called: Pond of Violani Furnace: it is an artificial humid area that was caused by the escavation of clay for a contiguos furnace. The area is of about 8 Kilometers and contains a wide sheet of water, surrounded by a cone thicket, thick bushes, poplars and willows.
The second area is called Boschetto dei Tre Canali (Wood of the three Channels), a tringle areaextending for about 1 hectar where the crossing of Channels Tratturo, Arginello and Canalina mark the boundary. The partial flooding of the area has allowed the groving of a cone thicket and of a small hydric wood, characterized by the presence of white poplar, willow and country elms.
The third area is called Fascia boscata del Canale dei Mulini (wood area of Mills’ Canal) and extends for a surface of about 6 hectars in the final part of Mills’ Canal. In the abandoned river bed, a thick wood has formed where the white willow, elders and hawthrone dominate.

In each area there are practicable paths that give the chance to get in touch with a various and particular nature. It is possible to bird-watch in the arranged areas.

The natural reserva can be visited by guided tour only. Please contact Centro Visite Casa Monti.

Video about “Birdwatching e percorsi naturalistici ad Alfonsine, Luciano Cavassa studioso di biodiversità”
by DELTA 2000 for the project EXCOVER – Experience, Discover & Valorise Hidden Treasure Towns and Sites of Adriatic Area

Useful information

Address: Via Passetto 3 – 48011 Alfonsine (RA)
Phone: 0545 38149 – 0544 965806
Email: casamonti@atlantide.net – atlantide@atlantide.net
Web site: https://www.amaparco.it/parchi/casa-monti/

How to get
The three areas are 2 to 8 kilometers far from the town centre. You can easily reach them by car or by bike, but they do not dispose of facilities or particular routes for disabled.

Timetables informations: see the website

(Updated to 30/01/2024)

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Official tourist information site of the Union of Municipalities of Bassa Romagna

Piazza della Libertà, 13
48012 Bagnacavallo (RA)
Tel. +39 0545 280898

P.IVA e Cod. Fiscale 02291370399
P.E.C. pg.unione.labassaromagna.it@legalmail.it