Festa del castello

13th October 2024
A day at the castle
The beautiful medieval village of Bagnara di Romagna with its Rocca Sforzesca (fortress) will plunges into the past.
Since 2009, the year that marked the five hundredth anniversary of the death of Caterina Sforza, a key historical figure in the history of Bagnara di Romagna, the Castle Festival has been held every year in early October. It is an event that combines culture, history and entertainment. Each year the program and theme of the festival varies, but the focus is always on the Castle and its long history.

This year you can expect guided tours of the fortress and the village, workshops for children, a themed dinner and circus performances!

Detailed PROGRAM soon online



Useful information

Rocca Sforzesca (Fortress)
Address: Piazza IV Novembre 3 – 48031 Bagnara di Romagna (RA)
Telephone: 0545 986921
Email: segreteria@comune.bagnaradiromagna.ra.it


13 Oct 2024


Bagnara di Romagna

Location e contatti

Museo del Castello
Discover - Bassa Romagna Mia
logo bassa romagna mia

Official tourist information site of the Union of Municipalities of Bassa Romagna

Piazza della Libertà, 13
48012 Bagnacavallo (RA)
Tel. +39 0545 280898

P.IVA e Cod. Fiscale 02291370399
P.E.C. pg.unione.labassaromagna.it@legalmail.it