Born in Lugo in 1964. Illustrator and graphic novelist.

Babini studied in Ravenna at Istituto d’Arte per il Mosaico.

His illustrator career started as an assistant at Edifumetto, where he coloured erotic graphic novels.
In his formative years he frequented Hugo Pratt’s studio in Switzerland and in 1993 his Pendolare del tempo was published by the publisher Sergio Bonelli.
The character of the aviator Attilio Blasi has been featured frequently in the specialised magazine Rivista Aeronautica.
He has created illustrations for Niccolò Ammaniti’s short stories, which can now be found in Fa un po’ male (Einaudi Stile Libero, 2004). In 2006 he started to draw for Diabolik, featuring in Gli Occhi della Pantera (Il Grande Diabolik, 1-2008).
In 2009 he published the graphic novel Non è stato un pic nic! and in 2010 he published the sequel Welcome bye bye.

Stefano Babini is also a commecial graphic designer, a painter and a comic arts teacher.

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