This church belongs to the Carmelites religious order and was surely built before 1264. This date is, in fact, engraved on a bell in the belltower.
The interior is wide, single naved, with vaults reinforced by arches and altars on the sides.
Benedetto Dal Buono (1711-1775) is the author of four stucco pieces carrying the images of Faith, Hope, Charity and Humilty, and he also painted the vault frescos depicting Elia and the main altarpierce dedicated to S. Ilaro, patron saint of Lugo.
The church preserves also other interesting masterpieces: the canvas by Guidaccio da Imola representing the Virgin (which is dated 1481); the Annunciation by an anonymous artist of XVI century and a wooden choir by the local artist Giovan Battista Spada (1760-61). The organ was made by the Venetian Gaetano Callido.
Useful information
Address: Via Baracca 1 – 48022 Lugo (RA)
Phone: 0545 23216 info Church
How to get
In the historical town center, beside Piazza Trisi, 100m far from Piazza Baracca. Car park in front of the entrance and in the sorroundings.
Timetables informations
8.30am – 12.00am; 4.30pm – 6.30pm (services: from Monday to Saturday, 8.30am, 6.00pm; Sunday, 10.00am, 11.30am, 6.00pm). Please check hours phoning to the church.
(Updated to 02/08/2023)