Bartolomeo Ramenghi, known as Bagnacavallo senior, was born in Bagnacavallo in 1484 and died in Bologna in 1542.
In 1506 he moved to Bologna, where he began working with Francesco Francia and Lorenzo Costa, being influenced by their style, but also by Amico Aspertini’s work, with whom he worked together in the decoration of the the Oratory of Santa Cecilia. During those young years, he was influenced by the lively chromatism of Ferrarese painters; then, in his more mature style, he was much more under Raffaello’s influence.
Some Bartolomeo Ramenghi’s works are in Bagnacavallo. Especially, in the old collection of art works which is displayed at the town museum “Le Cappuccine”, it’s possible to see the altar piece named “Madonna col Bambino e i santi Michele, Francesco, Pietro e Giovanni” (Madonna with child and Saints Michael, Frances, Peter and John) and “Sposalizio mistico di Santa Caterina” (the mystic wedding of St. Catherine), a small canvas painted for private devotion purpose; while the presbytery of the church of S. Michele Arcangelo houses the altar piece depicting “Cristo su trono di nubi coi santi Michele Arcangelo, Giovanni Battista, Bernardino e Pietro Apostolo” (Christ on a clouds throne surrounded by the Saints Michael, John the Baptist, Bernard and Peter the Apostle).