Lugo, Contesa estense, Unione Comuni Bassa Romagna, CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0

Palio della Contesa Estense

From 11th to 19th May 2024
Lugo celebrates, on May, the historical reenactment of the transit of Borso d’Este, in 1471, in the town while on his way to Rome to be received by the Pope. The popular folk feast will take place in the Pavaglione and in front of the stronghold and will include palios and historical parades.

The origins
In the year 1471, the year the Palio refers to, the city enjoyed an aboundance of wealth and peace thanks to the enlighted guidance of Niccolò d’Este first, and Duca Borso d’Este, after.
Because of the city’s prominent position, when Borso d’Este went to Rome in 1471 to receive from Pope Paolo II the title of Duke of Ferrara, he decided to stay overnight in the Lugo’s Castle together with his imposing and spectacular entourage. For the people of Lugo of the time it was a day of grand celebration and they offered to their beloved and honoured Lord a welcome “of magnificence, sparing no expense”.


14 May
21pm Performance by acrobats, tightrope walkers, jugglers, magicians, fire and dance, at the Pavaglione

15 May
6pm Holy Mass and procession of St. Ilaro, at Chiesa del Carmine
8pm Historical procession, in front of the Estense Fortress
11.30pm Fireworks

16 May
21pm Performance by acrobats, tightrope walkers, jugglers, magicians, fire and dance, at the Pavaglione

17 May
21pm Performance by acrobats, tightrope walkers, jugglers, magicians, fire and dance, at the Pavaglione

18 May
from morning Military encampments, medieval arts and crafts market, in front of the Estense Fortress
9 pm 44th Palio of the musicians, at the Pavaglione

19 May
from morning Military encampments, medieval arts and crafts market, in front of the Estense Fortress
3 pm Neighborhood parades, arriving at Pavaglione
4.30 pm 53rd Palio della CAVEJA, at the Pavaglione

FOOD STANDS every evening at the Pavaglione from 7 pm


Useful information

Historical town centre
Phone: 392 6854027

admission free


11 - 19 May 2024

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