Sagra delle erbe palustri
From 6th to 9th September 2024
Villanova di Bagnacavallo celebrates this year the 40th edition of the historical recalling of the traditional techniques of the processing of marsh grass and local wood.
The most important days of the event are Saturday and Sunday, when the squares of the village becomes a huge open air workshop hosting craftspeople with their old tools.
6th September
7 pm Inauguration of the exhibitions (Ecomuseum and Ethnopark)
8 pm PerBacco che cena! (Dinner at Locanda dell’Allegra Mutanda, inside the Ecomuseum / Cost 30€ / reservation 0545 280920 – erbepalustri.associazione@gmail.com)
7th September
9 am Weavers and ancient crafts (via Ungaretti)
12 pm Lunch at the Locanda dell’Allegra Mutanda (inside the Ecomuseum / reservations recommended: 0545 280920)
3 pm Demonstrative workshop on on processing of mars grass
7 pm Dinner at the Locanda dell’Allegra Mutanda (inside the Ecomuseum / reservation recommended: 0545 280920)
8th September
8 am MERCATINO DELLE PULCI flea market reserved for children and young people up to 14 years old, who can exchange and sell children’s items and toys
9 am Weavers and ancient crafts (via Ungaretti)
Demonstration workshop on processing of mars grass
12 pm Lunch at the Locanda dell’Allegra Mutanda (inside the Ecomuseum / reservations recommended: 0545 280920)
7 pm Dinner at the Locanda dell’Allegra Mutanda (inside the Ecomuseum / reservation recommended: 0545 280920)
10 am Il signore dei campanelli e l’organetto di Barberia (public park and square)
3 pm Musicanti di San Crispino (ethnopark and square)
4 pm Sganapino contro il granchio blu. Puppet show by Teatro dell’Aglio (public park)
5 pm Il signore dei campanelli e l’organetto di Barberia (Ethnopark)
9th September
8.30 pm Dinner: La patata che non ti aspetti in collaboration with Slow Food Godo and Bassa Romagna (Locanda dell’Allegra Mutanda, inside the Ecomuseum / Cost: Slow Food members €40 – non-Slow Food members €45 / reservations required 347 4524084 – slowfoodbassaromagna@gmail.com)
EXHIBITIONS (Ecomuseum and Ethnopark)
– La vecchia tipografia
– Gabbiette per grilli dalla Romagna e dal mondo
– AMO il ricAMO. Le fate dell’ago
– Sulle rive del Lamone
– Grasse e succulenti. Esposizione di piante grasse
– Ricerca storico ambientale nelle terre del Lamone
– Momenti di vita villanovese
Opening hours:Friday and Monday 7-10pm / Saturday and Sunday 9am-10pm
Free admission