Home Eventi - Bassa Romagna Mia exhibition Stampe in mostra al Museo delle Cappuccine

Stampe in mostra al Museo delle Cappuccine

From 22 April to 2 July 2023
Two exhibitions about urban landscape and restoration of old prints, to enhance the very rich collection of the Gabinetto delle stampe antiche e moderne

“Origine e meta. In viaggio tra le città del gabinetto delle stampe”
An exhibition dedicated to the landscape, exploring urban views and symbolic values attributed to the concept of the city.

“La cura dell’antico. Il restauro delle stampe di Bagnacavallo”
A selection of recently restored old prints. Among these, there are also two very precious works by Dürer and reproductions of famous paintings by Raffaello, Guercino and Guido Reni.

Timetable informations
Tuesday, Wednesday, 3pm-6pm
Thursday, 10am-12am | 3pm-6pm
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 10am-12am | 3pm-7pm


22 Apr 2023 - 02 Jul 2023

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48012 Bagnacavallo (RA)
Tel. +39 0545 280898

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