On FB and You Tube all the videos of the protagonists of the experience EXPO Milan 2015 that take part to the contest. You can win a stay in Bassa Romagna.
On 6 August the Unione dei Comuni della Bassa Romagna had liven up the Emilia-Romagna Region centre at the Expo Milan with a project called “Delizie per viaggiatori buongustai / gran tour nella Bassa Romagna da assaporare con gli occhi e da gustare ad ogni giro di ruota” (FOOD, WINE AND TRAVEL – A grand tour of Bassa Romagna to savour with your eyes and taste at every corner).
The Centre was turned into a film set and visitors had the chance to begin a virtual journey in “The Land of Well-living” as Bassa Romagna has been renamed.
The troupe engaged visitors in a unique experience, to be lived alone or in company. Visitors interacted with the story and, thanks to “the magic of cinema”, became the main actors in the moving images projected onto a screen.
The audience watched at the same time the screen onto which the story is projected and the main “actor”, live, with a green screen as backdrop acting “in the vacuum”, which created funny moments.
Once they finished their “performance”, visitors was given a USB flash drive containing “their” film to enter a contest to win a stay in Bassa Romagna.
Bassa Romagna: delizie per viaggiatori buongustai and the YouTube channel
Info: Ufficio Informazioni Turistiche Bassa Romagna
Tel: +39 0545 280898
email: turismo@unione.labassaromagna.it