The church of St. Anna on Chiavica di Legno is located in the hamlet of Filo, half-way between the Town of Alfonsine and Argenta.

The reclaimer, Lawyer Cipriano Andrea Ghedini from Bologna, lawful administrator and usufructuary of the possessions of the three daughters, did not just take care of the fields to be reclaimed and cultivating the lands of the area «with the aim of providing the families that lived there, which were not few, with a means of subsistence». As he realised that a new village was being created, in order to promote its development, Ghedini came up with the idea of building a church for «public worship» where to celebrate Mass.
So, he asked, and obtained, a papal authorisation for the chapel. He equipped the church with all the necessary furnishings and dedicated it «to the divine worship under the invocation of glorious St. Anna».

The small chapel includes some valuable historical inscriptions that were described in writing by David Farabulini in 1875.

It should also be pointed out that at the beginning, there were two small churches in Villa S. Anna, rising on both sides. The one on the west side, which was then demolished, was never consecrated. It was used as a house for some time.
(Extracted from Agide Vandini’s Le otto chiese della storia di Filo. Ubicazione e storia degli edifici di culto nel territorio di Filo).

Useful information

Address: Via Tre Pertiche – 48011 Filo d’Alfonsine (RA)

How to get
The church is located at Filo, a small village at about 15 km from Alfonsine, direction Argenta, on the parallel road to Reno River

(Updated to 25/07/2024)

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Official tourist information site of the Union of Municipalities of Bassa Romagna

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48012 Bagnacavallo (RA)
Tel. +39 0545 280898

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