PIADOT (yellow country biscuits)

The recipe of Gialletti (Piadòt in Romagna dialect) is really ancient: they are just slightly sweet biscuits that were prepared for feasts.

450 g maize flour, 200 g white flour, 2 eggs, 150 g butter, 200 g sugar, vanilla, salt, ½ lemon, 100 g sultana raisins, pine nuts.

Mix all the ingredients with grated lemon peel, and add 100 g of sultana raisins and 100 g of pine nuts at the end. Separate the dough in tangerine-size balls, place them on a dripping pan covered with greaseproof paper or slightly rubbed with butter, and take them to the oven (which must already be very hot; at least 200º). Bake for around half an hour.

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48012 Bagnacavallo (RA)
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