Terrena_Bassa Romagna- Dante 2021

Bassa Romagna celebrates the seventh centenary of Dante Alighieri’s death with the 3rd edition of Terrena, the festival dedicated to Land art, from 1 July to 13 September 2021.

The third edition of the festival, dedicated to the great poet, is distinguished by the number three: three site-specific installations inspired by the three cantiche of the Divine Comedy, three artistic workshops and three cultural events.


More information

Communication Office Unione dei Comuni della Bassa Romagna
0545 38345
E-mail: comunicazione@unione.labassaromagna.it
Website: https://terrenalandart.it/

logo bassa romagna mia

Official tourist information site of the Union of Municipalities of Bassa Romagna

Piazza della Libertà, 13
48012 Bagnacavallo (RA)
Tel. +39 0545 280898

P.IVA e Cod. Fiscale 02291370399
P.E.C. pg.unione.labassaromagna.it@legalmail.it