Home Eventi - Bassa Romagna Mia festivals and parties Sagra del Tortellone di San Patrizio

Sagra del Tortellone di San Patrizio

This festival, from August the 23rdh to 26th 2024, originated to promote S. Patrizio’s typical specialities and today its dishes and the quality of “tortelloni” (a delicious pasta stuffed with pumpkin) are reknown and appreciated in the whole region.

This traditional feast is dedicated to ‘tortelloni’ (a local hand-made stuffed pasta), but the food halls of the fair also offer pork meat with roasted polenta, fried frogs and frogs’ stew.


Restaurant opening hours:
-Saturday and Monday: dinner from 7 pm
-Sunday lunch from 12am, Take-away from 11 to 12 am, dinner from 6.30pm

Useful information

Village centre
Address: Piazza Mameli – 48017 San Patrizio di Conselice (RA)
FB: Sagra del tortellone Sanpatriziese


23 - 26 Aug 2024

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48012 Bagnacavallo (RA)
Tel. +39 0545 280898

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