The church was built along a period of six years on an area owned by Emaldi Family; on November the 2nd 1727 it was dedicated to “Beata Vergine della Consolazione”, as mentioned in a wooden commemoration altarpiece preserved inside.

The toponym “Arginino” derives either from the name of a small canal called “Arginello”, which used to run through these valley and marshy areas long ago or – according to other interpretations – from a small embankment that defended, as if it were a small dam, the terrain that had emerged from the water.
There used to be several huts made of marsh plants scattered in this area; they were places where to shelter from bad weather or where to rest during work breaks; they were real houses for the poor. In one of these huts, there was a Madonna image, which was object of devotional practices. It was considered to be miraculous and known by the name of Vergine della Valle dell’Arginino (Arginino Valley Virgin).

As it can be read in the inscription written in Latin on a wood board found at the entrance, the church was built according to the desire of the poor population who did not find any protection other than a devotional image.
Captain Marco Emaldi gave the land and contributed to the expenses in a crucial manner, together with the offerings of believers, also providing vestments and church plate.
Completed within six years, it was consecrated by a Vicar on 2 November 1727 and dedicated to Madonna della Consolazione, but for the people from Voltana it has always been “La Madóna dl’Arznéin” (by Gloria Pagani).

Worth of mention are the three altarpieces of Ferrara school and the four paintings in the apse depicting the saints which protects health (XVIII century).

Useful information

Address: Via Comunetta 8 – 48028 Voltana di Lugo (RA)
Phone: 347 1540358

How to get
The church is located in the village of Voltana, between Passogatto and Chiesanuova. Car park.

(Updated to 18/07/2023)

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