Gian Ruggero Manzoni is born in San Lorenzo near Lugo in 1957. Writer, poet, painter, actor and art critic.

Manzoni gained an arts degree at the University of Bologna, where he was taught by Gianni Celati and Umberto Eco. He has always had a strong interest in Hebraism, philosophy, history of religions and esoterism. Manzoni has spent long periods abroad in Belgium, France and Germany.

In 1982 and 1983 he was the editor of the magazine Cervo Volante, based in Rome and directed by Achille Bonito Oliva and Edoardo Sanguineti. He lectured fine art and history of art in Italy and abroad.

Amongst his publications about language: Pesta duro e vai trànquilo/Dizionario del linguaggio giovanile (Edizioni Feltrinelli, 1980, with Emilio Dalmonte), Peso vero sclero/Dizionario del linguaggio giovanile di fine millennio (Il Saggiatore, 1997).

In 1984 and 1986 he has been involved in the Venice Biennale and also started to act in theatre.

He has directed the art and literature magazine Origini; since 1990 he has been art editor of RISK, directed by Lucrezia De Domizio Durini, and has collaborated with the literature magazine Il semplice, published by Feltrinelli. Since 2008 he is the director of the art and literature magazine Ali (dalle origini al cosmo – dalle origini all’abisso) published by Edizioni del Bradipo.

He is related (cousin) to celebrated conceptual artist Piero Manzoni and is a descendant of writer Alessandro Manzoni.

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