I ZUCAREN (zuccherini biscuits)

Zuccherini, zucaren in local dialect, are biscuits spread in Emilia-Romagna and in Tuscany. In Romagna, zuccherini do not have a doughnut shape as they do in Emilia and in Tuscany; they are different, preferably almond-shaped, covered with granulated sugar or with minced almonds. In Romagna, zuccherini were also prepared in wood-fired ovens in the past for particular celebrations such as baptisms, communions and confirmations.

> Ingredients: 1 kg flour | 450 g sugar | 200 g lard | 2 eggs | yeast for 1 kg | milk | granulated sugar and sugar strands.
> Procedure: work the flour with the lard, the sugar, the eggs and the milk into a dough. Add the yeast and mix with care. Use a rolling pin to spread out a layer around 0.5 cm thick. Use moulds to cut the shapes you want. Beat an egg-yolk dissolved with some milk and brush this over the zuccherini decorating them with granulated sugar or colourful sugar strands. Preheat the oven (must be really hot!) and bake them for around 10 minutes.


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Official tourist information site of the Union of Municipalities of Bassa Romagna

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48012 Bagnacavallo (RA)
Tel. +39 0545 280898

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