Lugo Jewish cemetry testifies the presence, in the past history of this town, of a relevant Jewish community. The peak of tolerance towards them was under the rule of the Este, since they did not isolate them in a ghetto, as most of Italian cities did at that time.

The first Jewish cemetery in Lugo probably dates back to the XIII century and was located nearby via Codalunga, in a land between Viale Masi and Viale Dante, where now there’s the hospital. From the documents named “Campione Pasolini”, which is the XVII century Lugo’s land register, it can be assumed that the graveyard used to be quite small and rectangular with one of the corners, the one on the doorway of the getto facing via Codalunga (now called Via Matteotti-ghetto), slightly round.
From time to time, along the XVIII century the Jewish community of Lugo bought more lands in the sorroundings, since the needs of the community were to expand in the near area.
After the building of the railway road in 1863, the area started having more traffic and to be more crowded, so it was decided to move the cemetery somewhere else, since the former old graveyard with no fence had to be built with a sorrounding wall. Althought the Jewish community wasn’t much happy about that moving, a more suitable place was found in Via di Giù, not too far from the town ringroad, on the right side. In 1877 it was offically opened the new Jewish graveyard, built with a rectangular structure and 1,000 square m.

From the entrance, which has a tall iron gate, there’s a path which divides the cemetery in two halves and leads to the wall facing the entrance; on that wall it’s located the mortuary chapel, which is actually part of the wall, as it had been specifically requested by the community.
On both sides of the path there’s grass and many trees which can be seen from a distance; on the grass there’re graves. Nearby the most recent graves written in Italian – the cemitery is still in use today – are located the oldest ones of the XIX century which bear bilingual funeral stones or Jewish ones if much older. Indeed, some graves and funeral stones were brought here from the former cemitery. Those funeral stones are really interesting, as they carry the coat of arms of the family together with long epitaphs which seems almost poems.

Useful information

Address: Via di Giù – 48022 Lugo (RA)
Phone: 0545 299441 Information Office

How to get
The cemetry is close to the historical town centre, direction San Potito and Bagnacavallo. Car and bus park. Disabled facilities.

Opening information
Closed, it can be visited during special events only (Please contact Biblioteca Trisi)

(Updated to 18/01/2024)

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