Ciambella is the typical local and rural dessert that is eaten after important lunches. It is served with a good glass of sweet wine or with a good Sangiovese wine.
It is prepared with simple ingredients, cooked in the oven inside moulds of different shapes: elliptical, round with a hole in the middle, elongated. The finished product usually has a yellow surface sprinkled with sugar; the inside is crumbly and light yellow.
6 versions from different regions can be identified: Imola, Faenza, Ravenna, Forli, Ferrara and Bassa Romagna. The difference is given by the ingredients and by the shape.
Ingredients: 500 g flour 00, 3 eggs, 100 g sugar, 80 g lard, 1/2 grated lemon, 1/2 glass of milk, 1 small bag of baking soda and cream of tartar mixture.
Preparation: put the flour on the pastry board; add the other ingredients in the middle and mix. The dough must be soft. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for around half an hour.