Nature in the night

Nature in the night

May and June 2024 The natural reserve “Podere Pantaleone” offers in May and June, special evenings to discover nocturnal animals like owls, fire-flies and bats. The guided tours offer a chance to get close, in an unusual way, to several aspects of the night life of...
Nel Senio della Memoria

Nel Senio della Memoria

The traditional walk on April the 25th has an itinerary which runs along the river Senio; it is possible to complete it on foot or by bicycles. The 18km itinerary will be enlivened by events such as oral literature, theatre performances and music, to celebrate and...
Secret gardens

Secret gardens

11th, 12th, 18th, 19th May from 10 am to 6 pm  9th June 2024 from 5 pm “Secret Gardens” is the event that, throughout the province of Ravenna, leads to the opening of private gardens to the public. The perfect opportunity to admire blooms, compositions and...
Street art

Street art

This itinerary is about art and nature, more precisely about street art.Many artists have been invited here to represent the territory of Bassa Romagna.The murals and the installations will surprise us with their stories, closely tied with the stories of the places...
logo bassa romagna mia

Official tourist information site of the Union of Municipalities of Bassa Romagna

Piazza della Libertà, 13
48012 Bagnacavallo (RA)
Tel. +39 0545 280898

P.IVA e Cod. Fiscale 02291370399