I CAPLET (i Cappelletti)

Romagna’s specialities named “cappelletti”, which is actually a kind of pasta typical of all the area of Ravenna’s territory, used to be and still are stuffed with cheese.


Dough: click HERE
Filling: gr. 300 of the best original parmesan cheese, 1 or 2 eggs, megnut (just a tiny bit to give a light flavour).


Dough: click HERE
Filling: gr. 200 of the best original parmesan cheese, gr.100 of soft cheese (the kind “formaggio morbido” of Cesena or of Castel San Pietro is fine), 1 egg, megnut (just a tiny bit to give a light flavour).

How to make them: once the pasta is a thin leaf, cut it into squares of about 5 x 5 cm, put some filling into the centre of the square and fold it like a pennywort.

You can serve them in broth or with meat sauce. A particular type of Cappelletti with meat sauce are “I CAPLET (A)SOT DSA’MICHIL (San Michele Cappelletti)”.

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Official tourist information site of the Union of Municipalities of Bassa Romagna

Piazza della Libertà, 13
48012 Bagnacavallo (RA)
Tel. +39 0545 280898

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