Music is still alive in listening placessuch as auditoriums and theatres, but also in unusual places such as natural arenas, old railway stations, and ancient wash-houses that throughout the year become an evocative setting for shows and important musical events. These places are also stops of the itinerary dedicated to music.

Giardino della Biblioteca Comunale “P. Orioli” and the Museo della battaglia del Senio, Alfonsine
A welcoming green area located between the “P. Orioli” Municipal Library and the Museum of the Battle of the Senio river.
When listening to music: in the summer, the Pensiero narrazione e voce” festival with music, words and poems takes place.

 Carlo Goldoni theatre, Bagnacavallo
Carlo Goldoni theatre was built between 1839 and 1845 and inaugurated on September 27th 1845 based on the project of the Bolognese architect Filippo Antolini. It’s decorated by Francesco Migliari from Ferrara and it’s also called “la piccola Scala” of Bagnacavallo.
When listening to music: in autumn, Bagnacavallo Classica “Libera la musica” festival is held by Accademia Bizantina, an international baroque music orchestra.

 Rocca Sforzesca, Bagnara di Romagna
The defensive system of Bagnara, put in place by Barnabò Visconti in the 14th century, is nowadays an enchanting Fortress which, besides hosting the Museo della Rocca (fortress museum), is also a venue for various kinds of events.
When listening to music: in July there is the “Muse” festival with evenings of music and singing in the courtyard of the fortress.

Teatro Municipale, Conselice
The Municipal Theatre, which dates back to 1935, consists of a large hall with an atrium and side foyer, and hosts theatre and film shows.
When listening to music: as well as the theatrical review, various musical events are held here throughout the year.

Arena delle balle di paglia, Cotignola
In the countryside around Cotignola, where the Senio river meets the Emiliano Romagnolo Canal, the Primola association organises the Arena delle balle di paglia”, the only straw amphitheatre in Romagna. The natural setting is a wide river floodplain where a grove of acacias forms the backdrop to the stage.
When listening to music: in July, the Nell’arena delle balle di paglia” festival is held, with concerts, theatre, storytelling, land art, explorations and poetic encounters, all of which are born on the edge of straw and imagination.

Teatro Binario, Cotignola
Built inside a railway station in Cotignola, the Binario Theatre hosts shows and concerts.
When listening to music: from autumn to spring “Radici” takes place, with experiments between sound and visual identities.

Auditorium Corelli, Fusignano
The Arcangelo Corelli Auditorium, dedicated to the composer, is a space of excellence for listening to music.
When listening to music: the “Certe Notti” and “Un paese che suona” festivals take place in winter/spring with scores as a tribute to Corelli, alongside more contemporary genres such as jazz and rock. “Il Suono Antico” is the prestigious Baroque music festival to celebrate the artist from Fusignano.

Teatro Rossini, Lugo
Gioachino Rossini Theatre, built between 1757 and 1761 by the architect Francesco Petrocchi, is considered the prototype of the “Italian theatre”. It was dedicated to the great composer in 1859.
When listening to music: it hosts concert seasons and musical concerts.

Ortolani Villa and Stables, Voltana di Lugo
The Ortolani Villa and Stables complex consists of two buildings: the villa, the farm, the summer residence of the Ortolani family and the stables.
When to listen to music: hosts the summer festival “Concerti in Villa”

Antico Lavatoio, Massa Lombarda
The ancient wash-house in Massa Lombarda is a large tub of water, covered by a roof supported by sixteen pillars. It is fed by the Canale dei Mulini (Mill Canal) and is a symbol of the hard work of the washerwomen, bearing witness to the social life of past generations.
When listening to music: in the summer the Lavatoio hosts the “Piccolo festival della narrazione”, with evenings of music, readings and poetry.

Auditorium Sala del Carmine, Massa Lombarda
The Sala del Carmineformerly a church dedicated to the Madonna Annunziata, was rebuilt in Baroque style in 1640, on the ruins of an older church destroyed by an earthquake. Today it houses the municipal Auditorium.
When listening to music: it hosts numerous concerts and theatrical plays, such as the “Stagione al Carmine” in spring and the “Rassegna Corale Città di Massa Lombarda” in autumn/winter.

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Official tourist information site of the Union of Municipalities of Bassa Romagna

Piazza della Libertà, 13
48012 Bagnacavallo (RA)
Tel. +39 0545 280898

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