“AL.BA.CO. in bici – the wellness itinerary” is a cycle path between sport and nature that crosses the slow streets and cycle paths in the municipalities of Alfonsine, Argenta, Bagnacavallo, Conselice, Fusignano e Lugo.

For those who love open air and sports, this new itinerary runs along the slow narrow roads and cycling paths, granting a full enjoyment of beauty, colours and perfumes of Bassa Romagna. The name Albaco derives from the names of the Municipalities it runs through; it is a two-wheel trip along white (gravel) little roads, off-road tracks (rived banks) and slow-traffic roads.

Along the route are some of the most interesting spots from the natural point of view but not only that….ancient and impressive parish churches, water ways that marked the history of this landscape and parks, where you can relax and indulge yourself into wellbeing. Ready to go?


Who: everybody, those who love outdoor life and cycle tours

When: all year round

How: by bicycle

Why: to explore some of the most beautiful territories of Lower Romagna, discovering the local points of interest


View the route on google maps

For the most experts – Download the gpx track
The routes can be downloaded and can be managed with any satellite navigator for outdoor use.
You can use telephone Apps enabled to manage information through geolocation.
The files are all in GPX format, the exchange format, click here


Points of interest Alfonsine – Bagnacavallo – Conselice


21. Point of interest n.3: Fascia Boscata del Canale dei Mulini, stop n.3 Riserva Naturale Speciale di Alfonsine
24. Point of interest n.4: Chiavicone nella Canalina
6. Point of interest n.3: Centro informazioni della Riserva Naturale Speciale di Alfonsine – Casa Monti
10. Point of interest 2. Stagno della Fornace Violani, stop n.1 Riserva Naturale Speciale di Alfonsine


25. Point of interest n.2: Ponte e Mulino dei Prati
27-28. Point of interest n.1: Podere Pantaleone
30. Point of interest n.1 Pieve di San Pietro in Sylvis
deviation for Chiesa di Ascensione

14. Point of interest n.6: Pieve di S. Maria in Centumlicinio-Fabriago


1-2. Point of interest n.5: Conselice’s Wood
3. Point of interest n.5: Pileria del riso



Mappa delle fontane realizzata da Ciclo Guide Lugo

logo bassa romagna mia

Official tourist information site of the Union of Municipalities of Bassa Romagna

Piazza della Libertà, 13
48012 Bagnacavallo (RA)
Tel. +39 0545 280898

P.IVA e Cod. Fiscale 02291370399
P.E.C. pg.unione.labassaromagna.it@legalmail.it